VNMP 003 - Lessons from Oprah On Nonprofit Video
Michele returns for another guest host session, which is pretty awesome | Michele's kinda-sorta-obsession with everything Oprah | Are Michele and I stalking TV talk show hosts? | Nuggets of video wisdom found within the new "Making Oprah" podcast | That time I covered Oprah's beef trial in Texas as a news reporter | The one and only (lame) question I got to ask her | The one big, flashing-light, OMG, we-all-need-to-listen-to-this sound bite from the entire "Making Oprah" podcast series | Oprah's one giant secret to connecting in a video | How to find and create your own Oprah-like stories within your organization | The magic of fundraiser event appearances by recipients who just appeared on screen | Finally, Phil Donahue, who I think is awesome, is funny even when he doesn't mean to be
Recommended podcast: Listen to the entire "Making Oprah" Podcast from WBEZ / Chicago hosted by Jenn White
We also discuss future Video My Nonprofit podcast guest Liz Plachta, executive director of Ruby's Rainbow, who is totally dominating her org's Facebook and Instagram accounts.
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Oh, and as promised... here are all our talk show host-stalking photos from the past: